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Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have been going around looking for the latest of GPS tecnology in navigation tools.And this Papago is the best choice ever.
The Z-820 2GB is the latest Portable Navigation Device with a 4.3" TFT touch-screen LCD! Check out our new features such as 3D landmarks and 3D junctions!

Dog's Are Dog'S

People who let their dogs sleep with them or allow them to lick their faces are no more likely than other dog owners to have the same strains of E. coli bacteria as their dogs.

Dr. Kate Stenske, a clinical assistant professor at the university's College of Veterinary Medicine, said it's known that diseases can be shared between dogs and people and that about 75% of emerging diseases are transferable between humans and other animals.

Brainless Parker

SINCE the beginning of the year, 177 vehicles in Cyberjaya and Putrajaya have been clamped while 128 others were towed to the Sepang Municipal Council (MPSp) storage yard at Persiaran Semarak Api in Cyberjaya.The Star.

Most Malaysian are well known to be a very creative parker. Anywhere there's a space, They will park.Double and Even triple parking.Be considerate la.The only solution is to get as many parking spaces in the tight space of the city.Are we going to consider implementing this kind of parking ?

Parking Lift

Simple Parking Lift

Evora SC

ANAK syarikat Proton Holdings Bhd, Lotus Cars Limited bakal melancarkan model terbaru yang dijana enjin berkuasa Supercharger dikenali sebagai Evora SC.

Friday, January 30, 2009


How much do you spent on buying newspaper everyday ? Accumulate that in a year and you'll be surprise that there's actually a lot of money you can safe by reading online newspaper.



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Unbelievable ? believe it.Its actually a Car

Car window artist

Good Time To Die

Everywhere you go it's 30% off this, 50% off that, buy this one and get that free.
Every shop, every store, every shopping mall are doing their year-end sales, and everything is really cheap right now.
Even a funeral parlour is joining in on the fun.Seriously!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


These all are the bicycles newly launched by BMW. Wanna buy one?